Explore The Kujira Ecosystem

A single portal to crucial data about the performance of the Kujira ecosystem. View graphs, charts and information about the health of the blockchain in real time.

Smart Stake benefits the Kujira community by sharing an immense amount of information about the blockchain. This includes blockchain statistics, decentralisation data, Validator and network performance, among other data points.

Receive real-time notifications in Telegram from this bot for orders on FIN, proposals on Blue, and liquidations on ORCA. SeaShanty provides updates for several KUJIRA dApps, and other useful info.

Cosmobot helps and protects communities. It removes scammers and spammers from Telegram chats. It provides information, through a number of #commands. Users may also send a #tip to another chat group member to show appreciation.

These Youtube creators make videos covering the Kujira ecosystem. Using skits, interviews and controversial hot takes, they blend shrewd insight with irreverent humour. Wink if you get it.

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A thriving ecosystem requires services that are a public good. These benefit the community using the blockchain. They supply information and services without a revenue stream, often relying on philanthropy and donations for support.